07年、デビューCD『CHOPIN:HEROIC』リリース。サントリーホールほか全国各地で行われたデビュー・リサイタルが完売、新人としては異例のスケールでデビュー。08年、CD『インプレッションズ』をリリース。09年、ワルシャワ国立フィルハーモニー管弦楽団来日公演にてショパンのピアノ協奏曲を共演。CD『ラフマニノフ』は『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。10年、CD『幻想ポロネーズ』をリリース、12月31日には「東急ジルベスターコンサート」に出演(テレビ東京系にて全国ネット生中継)。11年、過去4枚のアルバムから選曲した『外山啓介BEST』を発売。12年、札幌コンサートホールKitaraでのニューイヤー・コンサートに出演。13年、ベルギー国内5か所でフランダース交響楽団定期演奏会に出演しヨーロッパ・デビュー。NHK交響楽団との共演がNHK Eテレにて全国放送。CD『展覧会の絵』が『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。14年、映画『砂の器』のテーマ曲「宿命」を東京・大阪にて演奏(ライヴ録音CD発売)。15年、CD『ショパン:バラード全集』をリリース。16年にはベルリン交響楽団日本公演ツアーにソリストとして参加。17年はデビュー10周年記念ツアーを全国約20か所で実施、CD『マイ・フェイヴァリッツ』リリース。21年、CD『《ワルトシュタイン》《悲愴》《熱情》~ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ集』をリリースし、『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。
Sapporo-born Keisuke Toyama began studying the piano at the age of five. He was awarded the first prize in the 73rd Japan Music Competition in 2004. His other prizes include the Masuzawa Award, Iguchi Award, Nomura Award, Kawai Award, and Audience Award.
Toyama graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2006. In 2008, he began studying in Germany (Hanover University of Music and Drama), and in 2011, he obtained his postgraduate degree from Tokyo University of the Arts. He is currently a part-time lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.
In 2007, Toyama released his first album, CHOPIN: HEROIC. He also launched a nationwide tour of debut recitals from Suntory Hall, performing to sold-out audiences and debuting on a remarkably large scale for a newcomer.
In 2008, he released his second album, Impressions and, in the same year, embarked on a nationwide recital tour, again performing to full houses. In 2009, he performed Chopin’s piano concertos with the Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra. In this year, he released his third album, Rachmaninoff (selected for the special recording prize of Record Geijutsu magazine).
In 2010, Toyama released his fourth album, Polonaise-Fantaisie and, in the same year, undertook a nationwide recital tour, performing an all-Chopin program in celebrating the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth. On December 31, he performed in the “Tokyo Silvester Concert (broadcast live on the TV Tokyo nationwide network).
In 2011, he released Keisuke Toyama BEST, featuring recordings from his four past albums, and undertook a nationwide recital tour performing a Beethoven program.
In 2012, he performed in a New Year concert at Kitara Hall (Sapporo) and launched a nationwide recital tour with a program featuring Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
In 2013, Toyama performed in a New Year concert at Philia Hall (Yokohama). He also achieved his debut in Europe, performing in Belgium with the Orchestra of Flanders, and his performance with the NHK Symphony Orchestra was broadcast nationwide on NHK. In July, he released a CD, Pictures at an Exhibition, which was selected for the special recording prize of Record Geijutsu magazine.

Keisuke Toyama has performed with numerous renowned orchestras, including the NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, and Sapporo Symphony Orchestra. His teachers have included Katsumi Ueda, Gabriel Tacchino, Matti Raekallio, and Masako Yoshitake. His distinctive sound, with its delicacy and rich color, is garnering attention in a broad range of fields.
07年、デビューCD『CHOPIN:HEROIC』リリース。サントリーホールほか全国各地で行われたデビュー・リサイタルが完売、新人としては異例のスケールでデビュー。08年、CD『インプレッションズ』をリリース。09年、ワルシャワ国立フィルハーモニー管弦楽団来日公演にてショパンのピアノ協奏曲を共演。CD『ラフマニノフ』は『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。10年、CD『幻想ポロネーズ』をリリース、12月31日には「東急ジルベスターコンサート」に出演(テレビ東京系にて全国ネット生中継)。11年、過去4枚のアルバムから選曲した『外山啓介BEST』を発売。12年、札幌コンサートホールKitaraでのニューイヤー・コンサートに出演。13年、ベルギー国内5か所でフランダース交響楽団定期演奏会に出演しヨーロッパ・デビュー。NHK交響楽団との共演がNHK Eテレにて全国放送。CD『展覧会の絵』が『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。14年、映画『砂の器』のテーマ曲「宿命」を東京・大阪にて演奏(ライヴ録音CD発売)。15年、CD『ショパン:バラード全集』をリリース。16年にはベルリン交響楽団日本公演ツアーにソリストとして参加。17年はデビュー10周年記念ツアーを全国約20か所で実施、CD『マイ・フェイヴァリッツ』リリース。21年、CD『《ワルトシュタイン》《悲愴》《熱情》~ベートーヴェン:ピアノ・ソナタ集』をリリースし、『レコード芸術』誌特選盤に選出された。
Sapporo-born Keisuke Toyama began studying the piano at the age of five. He was awarded the first prize in the 73rd Japan Music Competition in 2004. His other prizes include the Masuzawa Award, Iguchi Award, Nomura Award, Kawai Award, and Audience Award.
Toyama graduated from Tokyo University of the Arts in 2006. In 2008, he began studying in Germany (Hanover University of Music and Drama), and in 2011, he obtained his postgraduate degree from Tokyo University of the Arts. He is currently a part-time lecturer at Senzoku Gakuen College of Music.
In 2007, Toyama released his first album, CHOPIN: HEROIC. He also launched a nationwide tour of debut recitals from Suntory Hall, performing to sold-out audiences and debuting on a remarkably large scale for a newcomer.
In 2008, he released his second album, Impressions and, in the same year, embarked on a nationwide recital tour, again performing to full houses. In 2009, he performed Chopin’s piano concertos with the Warsaw National Philharmonic Orchestra. In this year, he released his third album, Rachmaninoff (selected for the special recording prize of Record Geijutsu magazine).
In 2010, Toyama released his fourth album, Polonaise-Fantaisie and, in the same year, undertook a nationwide recital tour, performing an all-Chopin program in celebrating the 200th anniversary of Chopin’s birth. On December 31, he performed in the “Tokyo Silvester Concert (broadcast live on the TV Tokyo nationwide network).
In 2011, he released Keisuke Toyama BEST, featuring recordings from his four past albums, and undertook a nationwide recital tour performing a Beethoven program.
In 2012, he performed in a New Year concert at Kitara Hall (Sapporo) and launched a nationwide recital tour with a program featuring Mussorgsky’s “Pictures at an Exhibition.”
In 2013, Toyama performed in a New Year concert at Philia Hall (Yokohama). He also achieved his debut in Europe, performing in Belgium with the Orchestra of Flanders, and his performance with the NHK Symphony Orchestra was broadcast nationwide on NHK. In July, he released a CD, Pictures at an Exhibition, which was selected for the special recording prize of Record Geijutsu magazine.

Keisuke Toyama has performed with numerous renowned orchestras, including the NHK Symphony Orchestra, Tokyo Philharmonic, Japan Philharmonic Orchestra, New Japan Philharmonic, Yomiuri Nippon Symphony Orchestra, and Sapporo Symphony Orchestra. His teachers have included Katsumi Ueda, Gabriel Tacchino, Matti Raekallio, and Masako Yoshitake. His distinctive sound, with its delicacy and rich color, is garnering attention in a broad range of fields.